Humane control of pigeons

Pigeons are prolific breeders Pigeons are family birds. They form monogamous pairs, and together can raise up to 6 clutches of 2 eggs each year under good conditions. And cities generally provide such good conditions, with plenty of food all year round and roosting/nesting sites in buildings. Not surprisingly, pigeon colonies can include large numbers […]

More scandals in greyhound racing

We’ve all seen media reports of appalling cruelty in the greyhound racing industry, and now there is more reported by an ex-industry vet in NSW. Previously: Livebaiting. Undercover operations in 2015 by animal advocacy groups in three states produced horrific footage shown on ABC TV (1). Live animals, such as rabbits, possums and piglets were […]

SA animals in research: how much do you know?

Take the quiz and find out. How many animals are experimented on each year in SA, and which species? How much taxpayers’ money is spent on animal experiments in SA? How many animal experiments lead on to clinical trials? What kinds of research are being done? What sorts of procedures are carried out on animals? […]

What’s it like when your dog dies of 1080 poisoning?

This is Max, a much-loved 4 year-old kelpie. He died a miserable death from 1080 poisoning, and his family is still grieving — and angry. In Australia, the use of 1080 poison is widespread to kill introduced animals such as foxes or wild dogs, as well as native animals such as dingoes. Only a few […]

The right to have pets is a social justice issue

Imagine the sorrow and guilt of having to give up your best friend because that is the only way you can get a roof over your head. That is the reality for many of those Australians not fortunate enough to own their own homes. Real estate owners in SA still have the power to impose…

More regulations won’t solve the cat crisis

There is a crisis in cat management – shelters and rescue groups are full to capacity with felines looking for homes. Lawmakers think that adding more and more legal obligations on cat owners will solve the crisis. The latest proposal is mandatory
confinement on the owner’s property, but there is no evidence that such a law will do anything to solve the crisis. Find out why.